Understanding the Heartbreak of Loss: Why Trauma Isn’t Always What You Think

Understanding the Heartbreak of Loss: Why Trauma Isn’t Always What You Think

Trauma can affect anyone. But in many cases, our definition of “trauma” is simply too narrow.

For instance, many do not understand just how traumatizing grief and loss can be. Perhaps this is because all of us will experience grief and loss at some point in our lives. Because this is a common experience, we regard it as sorrowful, but not necessarily traumatic.

“It’s Time to Move on!” and Other Unhelpful Things You Might Be Told After a Loss

“It’s Time to Move on!” and Other Unhelpful Things You Might Be Told After a Loss

Struggling with grief can be a lonely experience. Everyone around you seems to want to help, but they often don’t know how. Perhaps your friends and family have tried to comfort you, yet they’re confused about what you really need to hear. Even the most well-meaning people can say unhelpful things to someone who is grieving.